The Austell Gas System is a component of the City of Austell and is governed and administered by a Board of Directors. The system started in 1952 after several years of discussion among the City of Austell and interested citizens with the passage of an act by the Georgia Legislature enabling the City to issue revenue certifications, on the approval of its citizens, for the purpose of providing Natural Gas Service for the area.

Feasibility studies indicated that, for a system to be successful, it would be necessary to secure more customers than would be possible within the city. Thirty year franchises were granted from the City of Powder Springs and by the commissioners of Cobb and Douglas counties for the adjacent designated areas.

The citizens from the City of Austell voted to approve the issuance of revenue certificates for the construction of the system. The certificates of indebtedness were not obligations of the City and payment had to come solely from revenues of the system.
Operations started late in 1954 with the first customer to the system, Austell Box Board Corporation. Jimmie McFerrin was the first manager of the system. By the end of first year there were 1,767 customers. The number of customers increased far faster than the feasibility studies indicated.

At the end of 1961 more than 6,000 customers were being served which was double the amount of customers that were projected when the system started.

Increase in growth continued until the end of 1982, with 19,500 customers

To this current day, the system continues to grow servicing over 59,000 customers.